As Recruitment Services Director my role involves managing and developing the business as well as being “hand-on” when needed.  I am lucky to work with a fabulous team who genuinely enjoy what they do and who make Personnel Placements the brilliant Agency it is!

We think recruitment is more about just finding the right person for the job, it’s about working with our candidates to make sure they are prepared and ready for their next career move so that when they join one of our clients, their role has a positive impact on the business as well as themselves.

I’ve been supporting people at all levels at all stages of their careers for 20 years and so understand how overwhelming it can be when you need to make a change. My extensive experience, knowledge of job markets and connections with business leaders and industry allows me to give honest and empowering help and guidance to help you define your career and focus your job search.

In The Community

Lynne also works as a volunteer Enterprise Adviser through the Careers & Enterprise Company, supporting schools with careers and employment guidance. I believe that supporting young people as they start making decisions about their future in the workplace is really important. As businesses, we have vast knowledge and experience that we can share with young people to help them recognise their value and the opportunities that are available to them.

She is also a Board Director of Salisbury Business Improvement District – BID, working The board is responsible for the strategic and financial management of the BID that delivers projects and services for the benefit of levy-paying business members in the city centre.

Outside of work I do a lot of walking and am a Volunteer with Salisbury District Hospitals Stars Appeal Charity and have completed a couple of fundraising treks in aid of this wonderful charity. In 2019 I trekked the Great Wall of China, in 2022 100K across the Jordanian Desert to Petra, in April 2024 I headed to Colombia to trek through the rainforest and Teyuna Mountains to the Lost City – and in 2026 I’ll be tackling the Dalai Lama Mountains in India, so you may well see me with boots on and rucksack on my back walking up the many hills and around the breathtaking countryside we have around Salisbury as part of my training!!